Become a Mentor!

Would YOU consider becoming a mentor? Below is our criteria for mentor candidates:

MISSION: The mentorship program of Living Legacy is structured to teach
students how to be caring and responsible people of character by instruction
of Biblical virtues, interaction with community leaders and mentors, and
opportunities for application and growth in community leadership and service.
1. Establish a one-to-one relationship with a youth by offering time, encouragement, and
role modeling
2. Interact with the youth in a variety of activities
3. Fulfill the time and contact requirements of the mentoring program
1. Must be 18 years of age
2. Complete Mentor Application
3. Able to be consistent with your contact/time
4. Able to complete the enrollment process in a timely manner, including the
background check
5. Able to display sufficient maturity, judgment, stability to fulfill the role of a mentor. The
following characteristics are important in working with youth in our program: ● An
attitude of non-judgment when confronted with values, living standards, and beliefs
different from your own
● Consistency and reliability
● Healthy interpersonal skills and relationships
● Emotional maturity appropriate to mentoring
TIME REQUIREMENTS: 1½ hours weekly regular meetings at West Luray Rec Center. Other
times for events, field trips, activities at various places
LENGTH OF COMMITMENT: 1 year (minimum)
PREPARATION AND TRAINING: Enrollment process and training. 2-3 hours.

Interested? Curious? Want to know more? Then fill out this form and we will be in touch soon!